

It is unfounded that art and science have two different ways to approach any specific objective, elements are either defined literally or metamorphically.

I believe both art and science are the same and they are more closely related than we think. Both science and art are human attempts to understand and describe the world around us. The subjects and methods have different traditions, and the intended audiences are different, but I think the motivations and goals are fundamentally the same.

Tectonics in architecture is defined as "the science or art of construction, both in relation to use and artistic design." It refers not just to the "activity of making the materially requisite construction that answers certain needs, but rather to the activity that raises this construction to a dynamic art form." It is concerned with the modelling of material to bring the material into presence: from the physical into the meta-physical world. 

Tectonics is primarily concerned with the making of architecture in a modem world. Its value is seen as being a partial strategy for an architecture rooted in time and place, as well as an architecture of "depth." In bringing the physical into the meta-physical, tectonics begins to talk of a poetic of construction with simple materials. 

Words :





"Dynamism of tectonic architecture with simple structure" 


Maulden, and Robert. “Tectonics in Architecture : from the Physical to the Meta-Physical.” Tectonics in architecture : from the physical to the meta-physical. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1, 1986.    

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Tectonic structures


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